松岡 憲知(MATSUOKA Norikazu)

教授(筑波大学 生命環境系)

E-mail: matsuoka




  • 大起伏山地の侵食モデルの構築-気候環境の異なる山地での多角的手法に基づく分析-(科学研究費基盤研究B: 2017-19)
  • 山岳地形変動システムの統一的理解-欧州アルプスと日本アルプスの比較研究-(科学研究費基盤研究B: 2014-16)
  • 火星表面の地形を実験室で再現する(科学研究費挑戦的萌芽研究: 2013-15
  • 周氷河地形プロセス学の体系化(科学研究費基盤研究B: 2011-13)
  • 周氷河気候指標の高精度化と国際標準の策定(科学研究費基盤研究B: 2008-10)
  • 北極圏地球環境科学野外教育コースの設立(科学研究費萌芽研究: 2007-08)
  • 地球規模観測網に基づく周氷河地形変動のモデル化(科学研究費基盤研究B: 2005-07)
  • 黄河源流の永久凍土分布と変動(産総研「黄河領域地下水循環モデルの構築と地下水資源の将来予測」プロジェクトの一部: 2002-06)
  • 永久凍土環境と季節凍土環境における周氷河地形形成作用の比較研究(科学研究費基盤研究C: 2003-04)
  • 氷河・永久凍土の急速な衰退に伴うアルプス観光地域の環境変動(福武学術文化振興財団助成研究: 2003)
  • 岩石氷河への岩屑の供給機構(科学研究費基盤研究C: 2000-01)
  • 気候変動に対する周氷河環境の応答-極域及び高山における野外実験(住友財団環境助成研究: 2000)



  • 42.195 km --- 2:58:22
  • 60 km ------- 4:57:41
  • 71 km ------- 6:07:13(標高差>1000 m)
  • 78 km ------- 8:33:17(標高差2320 m)
  • 100 km ------ 8:56:32
  • 141 km ------ 19:49:20(標高差 2000 m)
  • 250 km ------ 39:56:57



  1. Matsuoka N, Christiansen HH, Watanabe T. 2018. Ice-wedge polygon dynamics in Svalbard: Lessons from a decade of automated multi-sensor monitoring. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, accepted.
  2. Li A, Matsuoka N, Niu F. 2018. Frost sorting on slopes by needle ice: A laboratory simulation on the effect of slope gradient. Earth Surface Processen and Landforms 43, 685–694
  3. Matsuoka N, Waragai T, Wakasa S. 2017. Physical rock weathering: Linking laboratory experiments, field observations, and natural features. Journal of Geography 126, 369–405 (in Japanese)
  4. Watanabe T, Matsuoka N, Christiansen HH, Cable S. 2017. Soil physical and environmental conditions controlling patterned ground variability at a continuous permafrost site, Svalbard. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28, 433–445
  5. Matsuoka N. 2016. Permafrost and periglacial processes on the Martian surface. Journal of Geography 125, 63–90 (in Japanese)
  6. Christiansen HH, Matsuoka N, Watanabe T. 2016. Progress in understanding the dynamics, internal structure, and palaeoenvironmental potential of ice wedges and sand wedges. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 27, 365–376
  7. Yamagishi C, Matsuoka N. 2015. Laboratory frost sorting by needle ice: a pilot experiment on the effects of stone size and extent of surface stone cover. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, 502-521
  8. Matsuoka N. 2014. Combining time-lapse photography and multisensor monitoring to understand frost creep dynamics in the Japanese Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 25, 94-106
  9. Matsuoka N. 2013. Cold region geomorphology in Japan. Geographical Review of Japan 86B, 22-32
  10. Matsuoka N, Imaizumi F, Nishii,R. 2013. Geomorphic dynamics and sediment budget in the Southern Japanese Alps: Recent studies and prospects. Journal of Geography 122, 591-614 (in Japanese)
  11. Nishii R, Matsuoka N, Daimaru H, Yasuda M. 2013. Precursors and triggers of an alpine rockslide in Japan: the 2004 partial collapse during a snow-melting period. Landslides 10, 75-82
  12. Watanabe T, Matsuoka N, Christiansen HH. 2013. Ice- and soil-wedge dynamics in the Kapp Linné area, Svalbard, investigated by two and three dimensional ground-penetrating radar and ground thermal and acceleration regimes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 24, 39-55
  13. Watanabe T, Matsuoka N, Christiansen HH. 2012. Mudboil and ice-wedge dynamics investigated by electrical resistivity tomography, ground temperatures and surface movements in Svalbard. Geografiska Annaler 94, 445-457
  14. Nishii R, Matsuoka N. 2012. Kinematics of an alpine retrogressive rockslide in the Japanese Alps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37, 1641-1650
  15. Matsuoka N, Ikeda A. 2012. Research frontier in periglacial processes. Journal of Geography 121, 269-305 (in Japanese)
  16. Matsuoka N, Ikeda A. 2011. Periglacial environment and landscape dynamics of the Swiss Alps: A summary of 15 years of observations and their implications. Journal of Geography 120, 502-535 (in Japanese)
  17. Matsuoka N. 2011. Climate and material controls on periglacial processes: Toward improving periglacial climate indicators. Quaternary Research 75, 356-365
  18. Matsuoka N. 2010. Solifluction and mudflow on a limestone periglacial slope in the Swiss Alps: 14 years of monitoring. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 21, 219-240
  19. Nishii R, Matsuoka N. 2010. Monitoring rapid head scarp movement in an alpine rockslide. Engineering Geology 115, 49-57
  20. Matsuoka N, Ikeda A, Sueyoshi T, Ishii T. 2009, Permafrost and hydrology in the source area of the Yellow River. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan 60, 39–57
  21. Harris C, Matsuoka N, and 20 authous. 2009. Permafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses. Earth-Science Reviews 92, 117-171
  22. Matsuoka N, Murton J. 2008. Frost weathering: Recent advances and future directions. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 19, 195-210
  23. Matsuoka N. 2008. Frost weathering and rockwall erosion in the eastern Swiss Alps: Long-term (1994-2006) observations. Geomorphology 99, 353-368
  24. Matsuoka N, Christiansen HH. 2008. Ice-wedge polygon dynamics in Svalbard: High resolution monitoring by multiple techniques. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Permafrost 2, 1149-1154
  25. Ogino Y, Matsuoka N. 2007. Involutions resulting from annual freeze-thaw cycles: A laboratory simulation based on observations in northeastern Japan. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 18, 323-335
  26. Haeberli W, Matsuoka N, and 9 authors. 2006. Permafrost creep and rock glacier dynamics. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 17, 189-214
  27. Matsuoka N, Thomachot CE, Oguchi CT, Hatta T, Abe, M, Matsuzaki H. 2006. Quaternary bedrock erosion and landscape evolution in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica: Reevaluating rates and processes. Geomorphology 81, 408-420
  28. Matsuoka N, Hirakawa K. 2006. High-centered polygons in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica: Possible effect of ice wedge sublimation. Polar Geoscience 19, 189-201
  29. Matsuoka N. 2006. Monitoring periglacial processes: Towards construction of a global network. Geomorphology 80, 20-31
  30. Yumoto
  31. Matsuoka N, Ikeda A, Date T. 2005. Morphometric analysis of solifluction lobes and rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 16, 99-113
  32. Matsuoka N. 2005. Temporal and spatial variations in periglacial soil movements on alpine crest slopes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30, 41-58
  33. Thomachot CE, Matsuoka N, Kuchitsu N, Morii M. 2005. Frost damage of bricks composing a railway tunnel monument in Central Japan: Field monitoring and laboratory simulation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5, 465-476
  34. Matsuoka N, Sawaguchi S, Yoshikawa K. 2004. Present day periglacial environments in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Geographical Review of Japan 77, 276-300
  35. Matsuoka N. 2004. Solifluction. In: Encycropedia of Geomorphology 2, Routledge, 984-987
  36. Matsuoka N, Humlum O eds. 2003. Monitoring periglacial processes: New methodology and technology. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 14/4 (special issue)
  37. Matsuoka N, Ikeda A, Hirakawa K, Watanabe T. 2003. Contemporary periglacial processes in the Swiss Alps: Seasonal, inter-annual and long-term variations. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Permafrost 2, 735-740
  38. Matsuoka N, Iwata S, Haeberli W, eds. 2003. Periglacial geomorphology at the beginning of the 21st century. Geomorphology 52/1-2 (special issue)
  39. Matsuoka N, Abe M, Ijiri M. 2003. Differential frost heave and sorted patterned ground: Field measurements and a laboratory experiment. Geomorphology 52, 73-85
  40. Matsuoka N. 2003. Contemporary permafrost and periglaciation in Asian high mountains: An overview. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Suppl. 130, 145-166
  41. Matsuoka N. 2001. Microgelivation versus macrogelivation: Towards bridging the gap between laboratory and field frost weathering. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 12, 299-313
  42. Matsuoka N. 2001. Solifluction rates, processes and landforms: A global review. Earth-Science Reviews 55, 107-133
  43. Matsuoka N. 2001. Direct observation of frost wedging in alpine bedrock. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 26, 601-614
  44. Matsuoka N, Hirakawa K. 2000. Solifluction resulting from one-sided and two-sided freezing: Field data from Svalbard. Polar Geoscience 13, 187-201
  45. Matsuoka N. 1999. Monitoring of thermal contraction cracking at an ice wedge site, central Spitsbergen. Polar Geoscience 12, 258-271
  46. Matsuoka N, Sakai A. 1999. Rockfall activity from an alpine cliff during thawing periods. Geomorphology 28, 309-328
  47. Matsuoka N. 1998. Modelling frost creep rates in an alpine environment. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9, 397-409
  48. Matsuoka N. 1998. The relationship between frost heave and downslope soil movement: field measurements in the Japanese Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9, 121-133
  49. Matsuoka N, Hirakawa K, Watanabe T, Haeberli W, Keller F. 1998. The role of diurnal, annual and millennial freeze-thaw cycles in controlling alpine slope stability. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Permafrost, 711-718
  50. Matsuoka N. 1998. Rock glaciers: Glacial or periglacial? Journal of Geography 107, 1-24. (in Japanese)
  51. Matsuoka N, Hirakawa K, Watanabe T, Moriwaki K. 1997. Monitoring of periglacial slope processes in the Swiss Alps: The first two years of frost shattering, heave and creep. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 8, 155-177
  52. Matsuoka N. 1996. Soil moisture variability in relation to diurnal frost heaving on Japanese high mountain slopes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 7, 139-151
  53. Matsuoka N, Moriwaki K, Hirakawa K. 1996. Field experiments on physical weathering and wind erosion in an Antarctic cold desert. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21, 687-699
  54. Matsuoka N. 1995. Rock weathering processes and landform development in the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica. Geomorphology 12, 323-339
  55. Matsuoka N. 1994. Diurnal freeze-thaw depth in rockwalls: Field measurements and theoretical considerations. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19, 423-435
  56. Matsuoka N. 1994. Continuous recording of frost heave and creep on a Japanese alpine slope. Arctic and Alpine Research 26, 245-254
  57. Matsuoka N, Hirakawa K. 1993. Critical polygon size for ice-wedge formation in Svalbard and Antarctica. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Permafrost 1, 449-454
  58. Matsuoka N, Moriwaki K. 1992. Frost heave and creep in the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica. Arctic and Alpine Research, 24, 271-280
  59. Matsuoka N. 1992. Mechanisms of frost action and related periglacial landforms. Geographical Review of Japan 65A, 56-74. (in Japanese)
  60. Matsuoka N. 1991. A model of the rate of frost shattering: Application to field data from Japan, Svalbard and Antarctica. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2, 271-281
  61. Matsuoka N. 1990. The rate of bedrock weathering by frost action: Field measurements and a predictive model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15, 73-90
  62. Matsuoka N. 1990. Mechanisms of rock breakdown by frost action: An experimental approach. Cold Regions Science and Technology 17, 253-270