- H-GM02 Geomorphology
コンビーナ:齋藤 仁、八反地 剛、Parkner Thomas、南雲直子
スコープ: This session covers all facets of geomorphology, the study of landforms and Earth surface processes that create and change them. Applied topics such as geomorphological hazards and their mitigation as well as advances in geomorphological methods and techniques are also included. The whole session is held in English. - H-GM03 地形
コンビーナ:齋藤 仁、八反地 剛、Parkner Thomas、南雲直子
スコープ: 地形学に関する様々なテーマ,地形形成,地形発達およびその地球環境変動との関係,地形災害やその軽減,特に日本国内で発生した様々な自然災害に関する報告,ハザードマップ,人間活動と地形変化の関係,地形計測手法やその自動化などに関する研究成果が英語または日本語で発表・議論されます. - H-TT14 HIGH-DEFINITION TOPOGRAPHIC DATA FOR CONNECTIVITY IN THE ANTHROPOCENE
コンビーナ:早川裕弌、Gomez Christopher・笠井美青・小倉拓郎
スコープ: Recent technical developments have enabled us to acquire high-definition topographic and geophysical data for geoscientific research, including land surface processes, subsurface structures, submarine/aerial environments, and geo-ecological interactions. Such high-definition or high-resolution data are particularly useful for studies on landscape developments in a relatively short-term (decadal to millennial time scales), which are often assessed with a concept of connectivity in spatial and temporal contexts. In this session, we expect submissions on topics challenging the issues of connectivity in the Anthropocene, the most recent geological era of the Earth affected by human activities. A range of topics would fit the session framework, including theoretical works, data acquisition, pre- and post-processing, extensive data preservation and archiving, statistical analysis, physical modeling, machine learning, and numerical simulation. The methodological approaches may include, but are not limited to, laser scanning (Lidar), photogrammetry (SfM), GNSS precise positioning, SAR interferometry, multi-beam sonar, ground-penetrating radar, geomagnetic/electromagnetic sensors, and multi/hyperspectral sensors, based on terrestrial (fixed or mobile), aerial (UAV or manned airborne), or satellite platforms.